We are part of NHR South-West. We contribute to the AI and compilation method labs.


As part of NHR-SW, UdS offers the following trainings and workshops:

Date Title Link  
11.12.24 Heterogeneous Programming with SYCL - AdaptiveCpp Edition Link Registration Closed
31.10.24 Fairness and Explainability in Large Language Models: NHR SW Second LLM Workshop Link Registration Closed
12.06.24 Introduction to In-Context Learning Link Registration Closed
22.03.24 Build your own DSL using LLVM: A Hands-on Workshop Link Registration Closed
27.11.23 Weights & Biases: Automated Tracking, Logging, and Collaboration for Research Link Registration Closed
21.09.23 Introduction to Large Language Models and their Adaptation Link Registration Closed
16.05.23 LLVM Demystified: A Hands-On Workshop for HPC Developers Link Registration Closed

Courses offered by other NHR centers can be found on the NHR website.



  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: visualization, debugging, explainability, explicit & learned models
  • Parallel Programming & Domain-Specific Compilation:​ AnyDSL, metaprogramming, DSL embedding, LLVM, automatic differentiation​
  • Life sciences and Molecular Systems:​ User support for scalable HPC and ML​

Central contact point: tba.

Request Compute Time in NHR-SW

Apply for compute time using JARDS, the central contact point of NHR: Apply for compute time

Members of Saarland Informatics Campus can request access to the local GPU server cluster via the ticket system. Please state your affiliation.

PhD Opportunities

Are you interested in doing research for high-performance computing?
Every year you can join the NHR graduate school to get a PhD scholarship with many benefits.
You can choose your primary NHR center and research focus - a great opportunity to join Saarland University.

Our NHR related research fields are:

  • Algorithmic Differentiation for DSLs
  • Compilation Techniques and DSLs for Heterogeneous Systems
  • Data Augmentation with Rule Based Systems

Applications for starting April 1, 2025 can be submitted until September 15, 2024: https://www.nhr-verein.de/application